Drop offFrom September 2024, all wraparound care will be provided by The Drop Off, an Ofsted registered provider. 

The morning provision runs from 7.45-8.45am and the fee for this session is £4.50. Children will be provided with cereals, toast and juice. 

The afternoon provision runs from 3.30-6.00pm and there is a flat fee of £12 for the whole session. The Drop Off will provide a hot meal and drink, the idea being that the long session will provide an opportunity for children to have a more substantial meal.

In order for wraparound care providers to be financially sustainable, particularly in small schools like ours, it is vital that parents embrace and use the provision. If your child has wraparound care needs, I would urge you to register with The Drop Off and book sessions. 

To register your child and book sessions, please either use the link here or visit www.thedropoff.co.uk