"This is a place where differences are celebrated and everybody is of equal importance."
Ofsted 2024
Vision Statement
Underpinned by a strong Christian ethos and core values of respect, appreciation, honesty, forgiveness, kindness and courage, Grendon CE Primary School’s vision is for all pupils to become: Independent learners, responsible individuals and global citizens.
Our Values
Following consultation with parents, children, governors and staff, the school developed its own set own values which it modelled around the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).
Jesus is asked “Who is my neighbour?” and responds with a story where a man was beaten up on a road going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. He was badly injured and lay on the road. It is believed that the man was a Jew. A priest saw him, and walked by on the other side, even though it was clear he needed help. A temple helper also went by on the other side. A man from Samaria (who usually did not socialise with, or even like, Jews) saw the man and felt sorry for him. He treated his wounds, bandaged them, put him on his donkey, and took him to an inn where he took care of him. The next morning he paid the innkeeper enough money for the man to stay a few weeks, asking that he take good care of the man. He promised to return and settle the bill if more was spent on him. Jesus then asked “Who was his neighbour?” to which they replied “the man from Samaria.”
Respect - put differences aside |
Appreciation - cherish one another |
Forgiveness - let things go |
Honesty - be people of our word |
Courage - cross boundaries |
Kindness - help those in need |
Through the school designed Global Curriculum, children learn about a wide range of countries and, in doing so, are exposed to a diverse range of religions and cultures. School values support the pupils in this work.
'The provision for prayer and reflection within the curriculum as a whole promotes a deep level of spiritual awareness in learners.' The school's values are systematically taught through whole school Collective Worship and class based Prayer Space sessions. Values are taught within the context of Christian teachings and permeate all aspects of pupils' learning.
'Collective worship is valued by members of the school community and contributes to the school’s Christian ethos through biblical teaching and the celebration of Christian festivals.'
'The school’s unique global curriculum, underpinned by the Church of England Vision for Education, results in high levels of academic achievement, personal development and wellbeing for all pupils.'
Denominational Inspection 2018
St Mary's Church
The school benefits from close links with St Mary's Church.
'Links with St. Mary’s Church contribute significantly to the distinctive Christian character of the school andcollective worship enriching the lives of pupils and their families.'
Denominational Inspection 2018