E-newsletter 192

Grendon Newsletter
  E-newsletter #192 Friday 6th September 2024  
  Hello Visitor,

Welcome Back! 

It was wonderful to see the pupils return to school on Tuesday and also to meet all of our new Reception cohort. Children returned to new Global Curriculum themes, spectacular classrooms and lots of exciting activities. The atmosphere in school this week has been brilliant and all of the children have made a great start to the year.


Home School Communication Policy

Please take a few moments to familiarise yourself with the school's Home School Communication Policy which has been developed to clarify lines of communication, roles and responsibilities and expectations around communication. The policy is available on the school website and also via the link below.

Home School Communication Policy  

Pupil Mentoring

mentors 24

The school's Pupil Mentoring initiative has been designed in-house and runs through the Global Curriculum to raise the profile of and support children's well-being and mental health. The school believes that children's mental health should be prioritised alongside their academic achievements. Year 6 pupils are trained as Peer Tutors and, each term, work closely with younger children in school.

Children are asked to respond to a series of statements linked to children's views about themselves and school as well as about the school's vision which is for children to become independent learners, responsible individuals and global citizens. Children's response to each statement – yes, no or sometimes – is purely their own view at that moment in time and the school uses this information to look for whole school trends and individual pupil needs. The role of the Peer Tutors is to carefully oversee this self-assessment, rephrasing statements or clarifying with examples so that it is understood and accessible to all children.

Whilst responses show a very positive picture overall, by understanding specific needs the school is able to offer prompt interventions to support children's well-being where necessary.

On Friday 20th September, our current Year 6s will spend the day being trained as Peer Tutors so that they are ready to lead this process throughout the academic year. 

We Are Recruiting!

The school is currently advertising for a part-time Teaching Assistant to work in our Key Stage 1 class. The role is from 8.45am until 12.00pm each day. If you or anyone you know might be interested, please read the advert here and get in touch by calling the school office on 01933 663208 or via email    

'The Drop Off' Wraparound Childcare

Drop offBefore the summer, school consulted with parents over its wraparound childcare provision. Our parental survey showed sufficient demand to expand The Drop Off's after-school childcare (3.30 - 6.00pm) to also include a breakfast club (7.45 - 8.45am). 

The Drop Off are already a well-established part of our school and feedback from parents has been extremely positive. Please do consider this provision for your childcare needs. 

Bookings for both the before and after-school sessions are live and can be made at www.thedropoff.co.uk 

House Points And Values Champions

Children are already working hard to earn House Points for their team. When they complete their first House Point card, children will receive a star badge in their house colour which they can proudly wear to celebrate their achievement.

 HP badges
Values champ postcardsWe are also on the lookout for Values Champions!

The school's expectation is that children will demonstrate the school values of honesty, respect, appreciation, kindness, courage and forgiveness.

Particularly brilliant examples of this will be rewarded with a special Values Champion postcard which will be posted to the child's home address and celebrated in our weekly Achievers' Assembly.

FOGS Mega Silly Sale!

Please come along and invite family and friends to the 'Mega Silly Sale' this Sunday in school - all thanks to FOGS and Heidi Boutique www.heidiboutique.co.uk 

See FOGS Facebook page for more details.

mega silly sale 1

  Grendon Church Of England Primary School
Main Road
Tel: 01933 663208