Hello Visitor, Hot Weather
It is going to be very hot in school this week! Please remember to send your child to school with a named water bottle, sun cream and a sun hat.
Tomorrow, our Year 6 cohort will make their way to Cornwall for their much anticipated Perranporth residential. We will provide updates on the school's Facebook page.
i am looking forward to seeing them all at 6.30am tomorrow! Don't forget your packed lunch, a water bottle, luggage in a small-ish case and a rucksack/backpack for the minibus (and to use throughout the week). The weather forecast looks very good and so please pack a sun hat, sun cream - the evenings may still be quite cool and so some warm clothes and a raincoat should also be on your list!
Please hand all medicines and medical consent forms to Mrs French in the morning.
Year 4 to Willow
While Year 6 are away on their residential, Year 4 will join Year 5 in Willow Class as part of their transition. Year 4 should go straight to the mobile classroom each day this week and they will also be dismissed from there at the end of the day.
As well as PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday, Year 4 will also need to come in PE kit on Friday this week.
Encanto Tickets
Please return your Encanto ticket requests by Friday 28th June. After this time, the school will begin allocating tickets, including any additional tickets as per your requests. It is very likely that the show will be completely sold out and so please make sure we have your requests by the end of this week. I have copied below the link to the information letter from last week's newsletter. Once all allocations have been made, the details will be uploaded to ParentPay.
Bikeability In 2024-25
It's a little way off but, next academic year, the local authority are once again offering fully-funded Bikeability training for Year 5 and 6 pupils. This will be a repeat of the training that took place this academic year. The training will take place in the Autumn Term and is spread over 4 days and the instructors take the children on local roads and equip them with the skills necessary to cycle safely.
All current Year 4 pupils and Year 5* pupils will be eligible to participate.
*who did not do the training this academic year
To secure your child's place on the training, please complete and return the editable consent form (either via email or as a hard copy) which can be found here
Bikeability has asked for all consent forms by Wednesday 26th June. After this time, your child's place cannot be guaranteed.
Reverend Morna Simpson
As many of you will already know, Reverend Morna leaves Grendon at the end of this academic year. Morna has made a huge contribution to the life of Grendon school both in her capacity as Foundation Governor and also in her regular interactions with the school - helping to shape the School Values and Vision, delivering Collective Worship in school, working with pupils in class and leading our special celebrations in church.
Rev Morna will be meeting our current Year 6 pupils in church later on this term to support them in the very important transition to their new schools.
Judging by the many wonderful pupil comments in Morna's leaving card, the children will be very sorry to see their 'Tip-Top-Tastic' vicar leave but at the same time they are so grateful for everything she has done for the school and they all wish her well for the future.
Pupil Profiles
If you haven't already done so, please return your child's Pupil Profile to school so that it can be updated with Summer Term data. Many thanks.