Heat Wave Information

Grendon Newsletter
  Heat Wave Information: July 18th & 19th 2022  
  Hello Visitor,

Heat Wave Information 

Is school open on Monday and Tuesday?

Yes, Grendon CE Primary will be open all day on Monday and Tuesday.

What should my child wear to school on Monday and Tuesday?

Children should come to school in whatever combination of school uniform they find most cool and comfortable – this includes PE kits.

What additional measures are being taken to keep children safe?

  • Public Health Northamptonshire's document 'Stay safe and well in the heat - advice for parents and carers' has been shared with parents and can be found here.
  • There will be no PE on Monday or Tuesday and children will not be engaged in any strenuous exercise on these days.
  • Additional shaded areas on the school site have been set-up to protect pupils from direct sunlight.

shade heat wave

  • As always, children will have unlimited access to water and staff will remind children to stay hydrated, apply sun cream and wear hats whilst outside.
  • Teachers will modify the working day as they see fit. For example, children are likely to have extended break periods.
  • Fans are available to help cool classrooms. 
  • The school has a huge supply of lollies and a chest freezer full of ice cubes.

ice cubs

Can I collect my child early to avoid travelling in the hottest part of the day?

Whilst I am confident that school staff can safely manage the school environment for all of our pupils and staff throughout Monday and Tuesday, families are encouraged to make their own decisions based on their own specific circumstances (this is particularly in relation to parents and carers who are picking up from school and who may be vulnerable).

Shaded areas

BBC Weather shows the highest temperatures on Monday and Tuesday occurring around the end of the school day. If you would like to collect your child at some point in the afternoon before the temperature peaks, please let us know via your child’s Home School Book.

If your child is not attending school on Monday or Tuesday, please advise us of their absence in the normal way.  


What can I do to help?

  • Talk to your child about the importance of drinking plenty of water and wearing a sun hat whenever they go outside in the sun/heat.
  • Apply high factor suntan lotion to your child before school. 
  • Ensure your child has a water bottle, suntan lotion and sun hat in school.
  • Don't send your child to school if they are feeling unwell.
  • Advise school if you are collecting your child early or if they are not attending.
  • If you do have any fans you can loan us during school hours on Monday and Tuesday, please bring these in tomorrow.
  Grendon Church Of England Primary School
Main Road
Tel: 01933 663208