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E-Newsletter 209

E-Newsletter 209

‍E-Newsletter 209: Friday 24th January 2025

Dear Visitor

Open Afternoon 

Please join us on Wednesday 12th February for our Open Afternoon. Our current Global Curriculum themes draw to a close at February half-term and so the Open Afternoon is a great opportunity for children to share the amazing work they have completed since September. Parents will be able to visit all of the classes in school before we move onto new themes and more spectacular learning    environments after half term. 

World Book Day

The school is looking forward to celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March. Last year's event was a huge success and coincided with the opening of our wonderful new library. 

On World Book Day, children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character for a voluntary donation of £1 which will be put towards new books for our library. 

FOGS has already been working hard behind the scenes and plan to host a pre-loved costume sale on Friday 28th February from 3.30-4.00pm. They will also be running a competition and we even hope to have a visit from local author Roshni Patel who has just had her first book published! More details to follow - thank you FOGS!  

Assessment Dates

The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check takes place in the week beginning Monday 9th June 2025. 

Year 4's Multiplication Tables Check takes place between Monday 2nd June and Friday 13th June 2025. 

Year 6 SATs take place from Monday 12th - Thursday 15th May 2025.

Please click on the links below for information leaflets about each assessment.

Phonics Screening Check 

Multiplication Tables Check

Year 6 SATS Information

‍Term Dates 2025-26

Term dates for the 2025-26 academic year are now on the school website and also here.

‍FOGS: Heidi Boutique Sale

A reminder that Heidi Boutique's 'Crazy Silly Sale' takes place in school a week on Sunday!