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E-Newsletter 208

E-Newsletter 208

‍E-Newsletter 208: Sunday 19th January 2025

‍Dear Visitor ‍


Although details for the trips are to be finalsied, the dates for the Year 6 and Year 4 residentials are shown below and are on the school website calendar. 

Please also click on this link for the Year 6 residential information letter. 

  • Year 6 residential - Monday 23rd to Friday 27th June
  • Year 4 residential - Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th June 
  • Year 2 residential (one night) TBC


‍‍‍Kynance Cove, Lizard, Cornwall

‍Cross Country

After qualifying in the local heats, James and Ruby raced on Saturday in the County Cross Country Championships at Abington Park. Huge congratulations to them both for running so well against the fastest athletes in the county! 

‍Open Afternoon

Please join us on Wednesday 12th February for our Open Afternoon. Our curent Global Curriculum themes draw to a close at February half-term and so the Open Afternoon is a great opportunity for children to share the amazing work they have completed since September. Parents will be able to visit all of the classes in school. 

‍Thank You FOGS!

Many thanks to FOGS and all who supported their fundraising efforts before Christmas!