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E-Newsletter 207

E-Newsletter 207

‍E-Newsletter 207: Friday 10th January 2025

‍Dear Visitor ‍

‍Happy New Year!

It was wonderful to see a packed church for our school carol service on the last day of term. The service brought to a close a very busy and productive term and I would like to thank you for your continued support. All of the children were welcomed back to school on Monday of this week and the familiar routines have all clicked back into place very quickly and school is a very happy place to be.




Please use the links below to access the school's recent Ofsted Inspecton Report and a covering letter from school. 


Covering letter from school 


Ofsted Report November 2024


Performance Tables

I am delighted to report that the school has once again performed extremely well in national school performance tables. In figures published at the end of last term, Grendon CE Primary School ranked 4th in the county for 2023-24, with 88% of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths in end of Year 6 tests.



Teaching Assistant Role

We are recruiting! The school is advertising for a part-time Teaching Assistant to work in our Year 3/4 class. Please follow the link below for more information. The closing date is 17th January. 


Teaching Assistant Vacancy


School Website

The school website has been redeveloped but will keep its address as 

You will also notice a new logo which is currently unofficial and, whilst the school explores updated branding to reflect our aims and vision, there is no need to worry about any immediate uniform logo changes. Any updates will be communicated to you all in a timely way. 



The safety of our pupils is always our top priority and the new year is a good opportunity to remind everyone about the parking issues we encounter at Grendon. The majority of pupils attending our school live outside of the village which inevitably means that there is high volume of traffic at the start and end of the school day. Recurring issues which present as safety issues for our pupils include:


- Parking in the turning bay at the bottom of Parsons Close which often means that cars have to reverse up the road to get out.

- Parking at the junction at the top of Parsons Close which restricts visibility between Parsons Close and Manor Road.

- Parking along the very narrow section of Main Road, with vehicles passing very close to parked cars.

- Parking on pavements along Parsons Close and Manor Road which blocks access for pushchairs.


Please also avoid parking across residents' driveways.


Disabled Parking

The entrance to the school car park and the signed parking bay at the bottom of Parsons Close are unofficially designated parking bays for those with mobility issues. If you have no mobility issues, please avoid these parking spaces. 


On the advice of the police, any illegal parking that you see should be reported to them directly by calling 101. 




Please see information below about FOGS first fundraiser of the year!